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There have been 5 items by greek1 (Search limited from 06-June 23)

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#149 May 20th '06 Naked Regatta Weekend - Past Confirmations

Posted by greek1 on May 16 2006 - 12:58 PM in Previous Confirmations - See All The Hotties That Have Attended!

We are confirming our attendance. We being Allen & Ellen on our 30' Searay
cruiser named Teachers Pet. So far our manifest will be Ellen and myself, along with Santabeeb, and we may be bringing along a mermaid for us all to swim with!

See you all on Saturday,

Allen, Ellen & Santabeeb

And a note to Adam, Thanks for your SPEEDY help in getting my profile info corrected and posted. You rock! A great help to Barbi's regatta.

#282 June 24th '06 Naked Regatta Weekend - Past Confirmations

Posted by greek1 on June 05 2006 - 09:31 AM in Previous Confirmations - See All The Hotties That Have Attended!

We would not miss this great weekend! We have been to the last two and they are so much fun, all the people on these regattas are so nice, warm and friendly. We will probably be one of the Early Birds this time. We are on a 30’ Searay and will have Mike (Santabeeb) with us.

If you love the water as much as we do, this is something that you cannot miss. Barbi and Fredrick must have some communication with the guy above us as they always pick a weekend where the weather is perfect!

Thanks guys. See ALL of you there.

Ellen and Alan & Mke (Santabeeb).

#479 July 15th '06 Naked Regatta Weekend - Past Confirmations

Posted by greek1 on July 03 2006 - 03:30 AM in Previous Confirmations - See All The Hotties That Have Attended!

Ellen and I have been to a couple of these regattas, and they are great weekends. We always look forward to them with bated breath. Barbie and Sir Fredrick always know how to put on a very well organized party. The ones we have been to, the weather has always been perfect, so as we are cuming to the one in July. I'm sure the weather will also cooperate.

We will be on our 30' searay (Teachers Pet) and hope to be able to be one of the early birds.

Looking forward to another great sex filled weekend.

Ellen and Alan.

#642 August 12th '06 Naked Regatta Weekend Confirm IN HERE Please

Posted by greek1 on July 24 2006 - 03:36 AM in Previous Confirmations - See All The Hotties That Have Attended!

We have been to a few of these great regatta's, each one gets better and better. We were lucky to be next to the boat called "octopussy" and that is exactly what it was pussy galore:).When we know what the date is we do all we can to change things to make sure we can attend. Ellen and I will be at the august 12th. I think the one in August is going to be the best ever but i said that about the July one too how much more fun on a boat, in the water and great fun filled naked people can we have? lets do it again and make it even better.

Greek1 30' maybe 39' searay.

#781 September 16th '06 Naked Regatta Weekend Confirm IN HERE Please

Posted by greek1 on August 20 2006 - 10:13 AM in Previous Confirmations - See All The Hotties That Have Attended!

Unfortunately we missed the one in august due to work obligations we heard what a great time was had by all our friends that were at the regatta are still talking about it and we know what we missed. We will not miss September’s regatta. Barbi and Sir Fredrick really know how to put on a great time thanks.

Ellen and Allen

Attached Images

  • ellen.jpg