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There have been 2 items by MarkusMiami (Search limited from 04-June 23)

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#4268 May 8th '09 Naked Swinger's Regatta And Sleep-Over Slumber Party Week...

Posted by MarkusMiami on May 07 2009 - 11:08 PM in Previous Confirmations - See All The Hotties That Have Attended!

Male landlubber is looking for a nice couple ( :z-dreams: with boat)

Is it just in time or is too late for applying to the may regatta ?

Anyway, I am happy to got an invitation BUT: :doh:

1. No Girl (went back to Europe)
2. Male (even thought bi)
3. No boat (not even an air bed)
4. Pretty late
5. Knowing nobody of you guys (yet)

Not even a good starting position :cry: !!
But I have the heart on the right place (and I am f..... horny all the time :z-oops: :animated-jerkoff: )

Give me a chance - P L E A S E :z-any-help: :z-please:

Ok, I could talk a little bit about myself!

I have been here a couple of month, but I am always traveling to Europe for a month or so. Now I am here again for a month. I am living in Sobe and I bla bla bla - who cares ? :z-as-if:

The truth is that I want to hang out with you guys and that you will have a good time with me.
I am looking for a boat ride :boating:

And I am giving you :2limp: :yahoo: NO - a lot of FUN - anyway *lol

So if somebody drops me a line - YOU WOULD SAVE MY WEEKEND!! :Bravo: (And your's too *lol)



IMG_0697.jpg 429.jpg

- I am a type "C" hitchhiker
- I just have blankets, towels, etc.
- I bring everything else (food, fun, drinks)

#4065 March Friday 13th '09 Naked Swinger's Regatta And Sleep-Over Slumber...

Posted by MarkusMiami on January 20 2009 - 02:11 AM in Previous Confirmations - See All The Hotties That Have Attended!

Hi Barbie!

Just want to let you know that I just discovered your Homepage and your nice community. I used to be in that scene in Europe, where I am from (sorry for my odd english) :hmmm:

I was looking forward to meet you guys in Feb. but then it hit me!! I am going to Italy and Austria exactly when the Feb. Regatta is starting. So I hope I get a chance to come to the march event.

I just cant wait :rolleyes: !!

If you need more information, pictures or anything, please tell me.
If you guys meet also between the "official" regatta dates, it would be a pleasure to participate.

All right, time to hit the hey, good night everybody...


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  • Training.jpg