- Bella Vita Boat Club
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Community Stats
- Group Members
- Active Posts 23
- Profile Views 4,034
- Member Title Gilligan
- Age Age Unknown
- Birthday Birthday Unknown
Gender Status
Gender Status:
Couple married 35yr
Toronto, Ontario Can./ Fort Lauderdale Florida
We enjoy boating and meeting Sexy/Fun interesting people
Lifestyle Status
soft swinger/enjoy boating/fun loving couple
I Live In:
Barrie, Ontario Canada
need to source photo
Previous Fields
My Boat Is A:
We have a 32ft sedan cruiser can sleep 4 fun open minded people.
My Boat Is A
Cabin Cruiser 31'-38'
My Dive Platform Is
Nice And Large (just how the girls like em'),
I Don't Have A Boat, BUT...
we have a boat
To Any Boat Captain That Will Host Me, To Help Towards Their Fuel & Expenses, I Will Donate:
I Have A Boat So Don't Need Someone To Host Me.
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Posts I've Made
In Topic: April 19th-21st 2013 Naked Regatta And Sleep-Over Slumber Party Weekend!
April 04 2013 - 08:17 PM
We will be taking the boat out of the water April 16th and heading home, so we won't be able to make the April Regatta. So we plan to be at Temptation Island ( depending on the winds ) April 12th, 13th, 14th. It's an open invitation for all to join in on our farewell party, then back to Canada for another six months.
In Topic: February 15th-17th 2013 Valentine's Swinger's Regatta And Sleep-Over...
January 23 2013 - 07:01 PM
Due to the conflicting dates with the next Regatta and the Miami Boat Show ( Feb. 14 to 18 inclusive ) we will be unable to attend. But we wish everyone to cum out and have a great time. See you in March.
In Topic: January 18th-20th 2013 Wild Naked Swinger's Regatta And Sleep-Over Slumbe...
January 18 2013 - 09:53 AM
Who ordered this Canadian weather eh! was that you Butch
In Topic: January 18th-20th 2013 Wild Naked Swinger's Regatta And Sleep-Over Slumbe...
January 18 2013 - 09:13 AM
Hey Barbie and Fredrick that is wonderful that your plans included a WICKED week-end. If all goes well we should be there Friday or Saturday and hopefully the weather warms up but we are sure it will heat up when everyone arrives!!!!!! Look forward to seeing everyone.
In Topic: December 14th-16th 2012 Naked Swinger's Regatta And Sleep-Over Slumber Pa...
December 09 2012 - 07:05 PM
Hi, to everyone finally here in the sunny south, better than the snow and cold we left. We are trying to make it to the Regatta but we are not likely to have the boat ready on time. Love to cum have fun with the rest of you cross whatever we can hope to see you there. P.S. Butch we have a video for you.
- Bella Vita Boat Club
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