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Member Since 10 Apr 2006
Offline Last Active Sep 30 2015 11:52 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: June 2nd 2007 Naked Swinger's Regatta And Sleep-Over Slumber Party Weeken...

May 08 2007 - 12:41 PM

We were at the April regatta and had a blast and we have the pictures to prove it just ask Barbie. Unfortunately, we were unable to attend the May regatta but we plan to more than make up for it at the June regatta. For anybody who hasn't had the opportunity to attend one of these we will tell you it is just a real great time. Lots of sun, nudity, sex!!!!! Please stop by our Lagoon Catamaran and say hi to Tina and Jeff.

In Topic: April 14th 2007 Naked Swinger's Regatta And Sleep-Over Slumber Party Week...

March 14 2007 - 10:16 AM

Well after a long absence we will be back for this one. We have been to several (and have the pics to prove it) and always had a great time. This time it is Jeff's birthday and Tina has promised him a memorable weekend. For first timers or those thinking of coming, be prepared for a lot of sun, fun, drinks, great people, nudity and of course lots of sex. Please stop by our catamaran, elle va bien, and say hi or whatever else you had in mind.

In Topic: September 16th '06 Naked Regatta Weekend Confirm IN HERE Please

August 21 2006 - 03:34 PM

We will be there with our new boat. We were so disappointed that we missed the last one. We will make up for it this time though. We have been to 3 so far and every one has been great. We met so many great couples at the last three. we had a lot of food, a lot of booze a lot of nude fun and most of all we had a LOT of great sex. The people are all friendly, good looking and are determined to make the weekend as much fun as possible. If you haven't been to one you must try it. Sept will be a great weather month. Invite new couples also. We try and tell as many people possible and e mail them the link. A lot of people have never heard of it but, once they see the link the all try and arrange their schedules. We took a new couple with us last time and they had a blast. Hope to see you there. Drop by our boat. It is a 44' catamaran, called Elle Va Bien.

In Topic: August 12th '06 Naked Regatta Weekend Confirm IN HERE Please

July 18 2006 - 10:39 AM

Well, we have now been to 3. We just keep coming back and hope to come back for all the rest in 2006. We will be bringing the new boat and hope to "christin" it well. We have used up all the spots on our Azimut, all the couches, beds and swim pads have been "used up" we need a new boat to start all over. Any volunteers? Anyone who hasn't been to one needs to come and see what it is all about. Great naked people, great sun, food and drinks.

In Topic: July 15th '06 Naked Regatta Weekend - Past Confirmations

July 13 2006 - 04:09 PM

We will have our new boat and a beautiful new couple joining us. We also hope to have 2 new couples on Saturday. We are trying to get as many beautiful couples to be part of our group as we can. Please join us on our new catamaran called Elle Va Bien. You can't miss us. Miss Tina will be nude and waiting for all.