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Member Since 06 Jul 2008
Offline Last Active Jul 06 2010 08:01 PM

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In Topic: July 16th '10 Naked Swinger's Regatta And Sleep-Over Slumber Party We...

June 29 2010 - 07:54 PM

Sooo....I hear someone needs a spanking? :animated-cowgirl: I may have to join you not because it's my birthday, but only because it's been what? Two years and this is going to be our first Regatta? :3D-emonicon029: We cannot wait to finally meet and party with the best people in South Florida!! What a great month to do it in too...it's Barbies birthday and she deserves to be dubbed...Regatta Queen 2010! Oh, she is all the time...but birthday's are special....I should get Barbie a sash...hmmm thinking of that tan line :3D-emonicon054:

To all the friends we're about to meet....HI!!! Hope everyone is ready for us....we're newbies to the Regatta, but not to anything else :animated-blowjob: Our little boat should be named Goldylicks... sorry, Goldylocks...it's just right. It's a 24' with a cuddy cabin...not a whole lot of space, but just enough to dance, socialize and have a great time. It's not the size of the boat...it's the motion of the ocean... :thongandheels: sorry....lol. I also love to cook, so there will be lot's of yummies to share with everyone, oh, there will be something special for the birthday girl and anyone else having a birthday in July!! :happybirthdayflasher:
Huggs to you all!! See you soon! :beachsunburn: