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Member Since 12 Jan 2008
Offline Last Active Oct 06 2012 09:13 AM

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In Topic: October 7th '10 Naked Swinger's Regatta And Sleep-Over Slumber Party...

October 08 2010 - 07:02 AM

BEST OF LUCK to Barbie & Frederick!!!

We all know how much time & dedication you put into everything - so we know you're Grand Opening will be yet another success.

For the rest of us who have to endure endless hours of drinking, frolicking and exposure to naked female breasts - let's create a game plan.

Like a military roll call, if you're going would you be kind enough to post the following (I've listed the answers for ourselves below - feel free to create additional lists filling in as many details as you know for other boaters in your Fav 5 who may not have time to log on, most importantly we need to know how to find each other in this mosh pit):

1) Your name's: Jonathan & Rosi

2) Your vessels stats & name: 35' Cruiser

3) Souls on board: potentially 3 males & 4 females (Captain is a seasoned 40 & crew is late 20's - I mention this for any newbies who don't know the Bella Vita group & are thinking of cuming - we are a fun loving, party hard group)

4) You're Fav 5: Still searching

5) Arrival DAY and TIME: Saturday / around 2 pm

6) MOST IMPORTANTLY WHERE you are planning to anchor: Barbie's Fav 5 was tying up "west of the wooden dock on Elliott Key" - I'm not sure how to find this - but unless I hear differently this is where we are heading!

7) Anything you anticipate having for the party / OR need: Have 100 pounds of Mardi Gras beads straight from New Orleans! NEED BARE BREASTS!!! Also could use a motorized dinghy in the Fav 5 w/ an owner that wants to go "site seeing"...

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In Topic: October 7th '10 Naked Swinger's Regatta And Sleep-Over Slumber Party...

October 07 2010 - 07:50 PM

Not sure everyone knows, but Frederick & Barbie will NOT be attending this year's Regatta - they just emailed me this morning (everything is OK - they're just buried on a project up North).

Obviously they are TOTALLY bummed out, and I know all of us are disappointed - but I am sure they'll agree the show must go on!

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We were rafting up in their Fav 5 - so if you were rafting up w/ them please let us know.

We were planning on arriving Friday evening & staying thru Sunday - however maybe now we'll arrive Saturday morning (but it won't take much convincing & we'll be there Friday night).

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We'll be on a 35' Cruiser, maybe w/ or w/o another couple or two.

We'll definitely be well stocked w/ wine, a bottle of Black Label, 100 pounds of Mardi Gras beads, and a year's worth of anticipation for the Columbus Day Regatta!

Jonathan & Rosi

In Topic: October 7th '10 Naked Swinger's Regatta And Sleep-Over Slumber Party...

July 06 2010 - 12:26 AM

We went to the Columbus Day Regatta last year for Saturday afternoon (in fact our Avitar photo is from early in the day - let's suffice it to say Rosi had A LOT of beads by the time we left), didn't even raft up with anyone and had the time of a lifetime!

This year we're Fab-5'ing it with the Bella Vita Boat Club for sure!

So if you want to see some of this :animated-blowjob:

a lot of this :3D-emonicon054:

and the occasional :animated-missionary: and :happybirthdayflasher: and even :animated-cowgirl:

than you don't want to miss the Regatta!

We've been looking forward to this year since we pulled the anchor up last year.

We'll be arriving Friday, and staying through Sunday.

Looking for new WILD, crazy, and devious ideas!

Rosi and Jonathan

In Topic: June 18th '10 Naked Swinger's Regatta And Sleep-Over Slumber Party We...

June 19 2010 - 10:11 AM

We're planing on cuming Saturday afternoon, unfortunately leaving around 9 p.m.

But if we enjoy ourselves just a fraction of what we did the last time :animated-doggiestyle: :animated-missionary: than we'll be VERY happy :3D-emonicon008:

Jonathan & Rosi

In Topic: December 11th '09 Naked Swinger's Regatta And Sleep-Over Slumber Part...

December 11 2009 - 12:01 AM

I feel like Indiana Jones when he just makes it under the gate -- but I can safely say "we're in"!


Barbie's already sent us our confirmation email, and it looks like there are only VERY limited spots left for couples - so you fence sitters know what you need to do.

I attended solo with my boat a couple years ago - and let me tell you Barbie (and that guy that's in all those photos with her) do a first class job organizing these events (it's a LOT of work) - so hat's off to them.

This is Rosi's first Barbie regatta (we've been talking about cuming for the past year) and as you can see from our avatar she LOVED the Miami regatta in October and has been begging for more -- tomorrow she's visiting the mall Santa for some red lingerie -- Barbie style.

Needless to say we're psyched for Saturday...
