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#3632 August 8th '08 Naked Swinger's Regatta And Sleep-Over Slumber Party W...

Posted by shelly on July 28 2008 - 01:27 PM in Previous Confirmations - See All The Hotties That Have Attended!

Hi everyone,
Me and my hubby would like to attend the party August 8th with friends that are coming from out of town. We are all in the lifestyle, we have lived in south Florida all our lives. and enjoy the water and any activity that is by the beach.
Me and hubby are both over 200 pounds, they are a little slimmer. all of us are cute. we love to party and meet new people. The couple that is joining us, is what you would call soft swingers, me and hubby are a little more risky.
We dont have a boat. not in our budjet yet. we would love to get a ride, but will meet at the location if we have to.
My hubby is a great cook, and we can bring seviche, sushi, steaks, shrimp or whatever sounds good to add to the menu. He drinks only crown royal and I prefer captain. but let me know what you like and I will bring a bottle of that for our host. we are not rich, yet we are very generous people that will pitch in for gas and whatever else is needed to make the day great. let me know if you have room on your boat.I cant wait to meet everyone. this will be our first time cuming. hehe
Hope to see you there..............Shelly, Phil, Mindy and Patrick.

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