Special Notice To Users Of America Online/AOL
Remember that the browser for America OnLine stinks big time.

You cannot log into our bulletin board if you try to use AOL's browser.

It works terribly and there are lots of things on this site and the other sites that this site links you to that you cannot see if you use AOL's browser.  AOL is always having terrible troubles with being able to access bulletin boards.  But I can help you!!!

To access all links on this website, minimize AOL by clicking on the little "minus" sign "-" in the top right hand corner of your screen.
Then open Internet Explorer.  There will be a big blue "e" on your main desktop window or in your list of programs.  Double click on that to open it.
Then just type http://www.BellaVitaBoatClub.com into the browser window and you'll get complete access with no problems at all.  I would recommend doing this for all websites you visit if you want to avoid having any future problems.

Now save this site in your "Favorites" since you'll be coming here often.

Remember, if you can't log into the bulletin board, or if you click on a link and it doesn't work, then you're probably not using Internet Explorer.

Thank you so very much for being my newest special boating friend.  I've got lots of naked, swinging, boating events planned and I wouldn't want you to miss one single dripping, wet bit of it.
Be sure to let me know any time you can come to sunny South Florida and cum to one of my fun-filled sexy parties, because I'd love to meet you in person!
Have fun!
Barbi :)